
Hello! I’m Brittany. I am a licensed clinical social worker, a mom, a wife, a daughter, an empath and so much more. If I really take a look at my life and myself, I have accomplished a lot. Many times, I am so anxious about the next task at hand or work I need to complete, that I haven’t even given myself the opportunity to be in the moment and appreciate the growth, success, challenges, and yes, accomplishments, I have had in my life. It feels good to write about it.

On the other hand, writing about my own accomplishments feels strange. Why? Perhaps, because what I want for others; to build on and recognize their strengths, is what I need for myself. 

As a human, all I have ever wanted to do was help others. That remains my passion. If I want to be genuine with others, I have to really take a deeper look at myself. Not just the struggles and difficulties, or the big life events, but the process to get to and through it all. What is an accomplishment without the process? The time, energy, mistakes, breakthroughs, successes.

I often forget that an accomplishment requires a set of goals and benchmarks. It is not instant resolve or instant gratification (despite best efforts.) It isn’t developing a list of all of the things that “went wrong” and then beating yourself up about it. Just because things don’t always work the way we anticipate, doesn’t mean it was a waste, it means there was an opportunity to learn and grow.

Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to be present. Acknowledge and appreciate your accomplishments. You deserve it; I deserve it too!

Take a look at what you have accomplished. Have you taken any time to reflect on those successes? Yes? No?

I encourage you to think about it. Here’s why; not only will it motivate you to continue moving forward in your success, it will also promote positive self-talk and positive self reflection, improve your mood, and improve your overall quality of life.


Anxiety: Hope, Help, and a Personal Journey